
材料介绍 – 科学60秒

科学60秒 (Scientific Americans 60-second science) 是提升听力极好的材料,题材和PTE 90%相似,常常讲述一个概念或科普现象,非常适合学生练习提高听力。



  • 从下方文章列表选择比自己目前听力水平略高一些的文章,点击文章名进入链接,并下载音频
  • 打开word文档开始听写句子。
  • 听第一遍(从头到尾),逐句听写,可以先全文听两遍理解大意。听完不要立马对答案,应该反复听并借助词典查词。
  • 听到第N遍,直到自己觉得自己的听写的版本已经无法再做出任何修改为止
  • 对比链接中 Full Transcript 的答案


  • 整个精听过程中,应该通过各种方法去写出听不出的词,包括查字典,才拼写,搜索 【人名地名杂志名可以忽略】
  • 切记在自己确认无法再优化自己听写版本前,不能查看答案, 不然练习效果减半
  • 7分目标每篇容错率为10个词左右(包括’a’, ‘the’之类的),8分目标每篇容错率为6-8个词左右。
  • 我们还整理了听力文章中与PTE相关的词汇供大家学习,特别是英文的注释,了解词汇在英文语境中是如何运用的。
  • 一周建议可以练 1-3篇



1亚马逊丛林 1.5-2小时
30分钟Scare; to be off;
35月简报30分钟unfurl; form; darts

PTE 相关词汇整理

  1. Intact – complete and not damanged. adj. 完好无损
    Extrapolate – Extrapolate (sth) from sth. (formal) to estimate sth or form an opinion about sth, using the facts that you have now and that are valid for one situatio and supposing that they will be valid for the new one. 推断;外推
    Hectare – a unit for measuring an area of land; 10,000 square meter; 公顷
    Germinate – when the seed of a plant germinates or is germinated, it stars to grow 发芽
    Equation – a problem or situation in which several things must be considered and dealt with (多种因素的)平衡;综合体
    Terrestrial – living on the land or on the ground, rather than in water 陆地的
    Aerial – in the air; existing above the ground 空中的
    Plot – a small piece of land that is used o intended for a special purpose (专用的)小块土地
    Herbivore – any animal that eats only plants 食草动物
    Droppings – the solid waste matter of birds and animals 粪
  2. off – a way from work or duty 休息
    scarce – if sth is scarce, there is not enough of it and it is only available in small quantities. adj. 稀少的
    breed/breeds – a particular type of animal 品种
    buck the trend (informal) – to resist or oppose sth; verb. 抵制;反抗
    adaptive – able to change when necessary in order to deal with different situations adj. 有适应能力的
  3. unfurl – when sth that is curied or rolled tightly unfurls, or you unfurl it, it opens ; verb(使卷紧的东西)打开
    baffle – to be too difficult or strange for sb to understand or strange for sb to understand 难住
    carcass – the dead body of an animal ; 动物尸体
    photosynthesize – the process by which green plants turn carbon dioxide and water into food using energy obtained from the light from the sun; verb; 光合作用
    algae – very simple plants with no real leaves, stems or roots that grow in or near water ; 海藻
    permafrost – a layer of soil that is permanently frozen, in very cold regions of the world 永冻层
    form – to produce sth in a particular way or make it have a particular shape; verb (使)成形
    cut down on sth – to reduce the size, amount or number of sth; verb 消减,缩小(尺寸、数量或数目)