Customer testimonials

Customer testimonials
Hey sorry to inform I pass yappy. I am so happy happy and grateful to u, ur summary and lecture made me understand the concept. I got 50/80. – Asad Jan 2021AAA 
Hi bingo, I hope you’re doing well. Great news for me as I have passed with marks of 50/80. Lets see MAAF 121. thanks. – Sharif; Jan 2021AAA 
I passed my AAA module with 70 marks overall. Thank you so much for your help and guidance. I’m so so glad I passed this paper. – Prerna; Jan 2021AAA 
Thank you for all your help, I passed the exam and the my first module. – Laykin; Jan 2021AAA
Thank you so much Bingo Training. I finally passed my audit exam which I failed the first time. What a relief!! One more to go. I am glad that I am not alone and having you in my CA journey. Thank you for your tutoring. – Tracy; Jan 2021AAA
Just wanted to say thank you so much for helping me in my FIN exam.  I got 85 out of 100. Really really happy with my result. – Prerna; Sep 2020FIN
I just pass 53/100. I thought I can get more marks. But anyway I passed!! I can breathe now. – Tracy; Sep 2020
Great news for me. Passed with 65  – Sharif; Sep 2020FIN